Steel Handrail Solutions Fastclamp Brand

Steel Handrail solutions are best approached from the perspective of quality assurance, that is to say, purchase from a quality-assured source by using an ISO 9001:2008 registered company such as ours; and importantly buy a quality-assured product manufactured by Fastclamp. Steel handrail from FastClamp ticks all the boxes for quality, choice and availability; by adding quality European-manufactured galvanised handrail tube BS EN 10255:2004 the assurance of a quality installation is complete. To find out more about steel handrails from Fastclamp take the time to read the rest of this informative Blog by clicking read more or if you haven’t the time go straight to the Fastclamp product page or contact our excellent sales team; you could also view this short video on Fastclamp installation.
Handrails For Sports Grounds
Perimeter fencing for sports pitches is always an expense that many private clubs could do without, but in many sports, as a team becomes successful so the health and safety regulations increase due to larger crowds attending games. This is particularly true in Non-League Football (Soccer) in the United Kingdom, amateur football attracts small crowds of family, friends and even workmates when they have nothing better to do; but interest increases with success. At this point, a perimeter fence is required to enclose the pitch and Fastclamp steel handrail is the solution to this.
When a steel handrail is installed according to the manufacturer’s guidelines it offers a safe and acceptable long-term solution even allowing for advertising to be attached at a later date if required. Steel handrail around any sports pitch or facility gives definitive demarcation lines between supporters and players, in addition, if a bench is required for coaches, players and physios the same material can be used to produce a covered area and seating. The photograph illustrates the use of Fastclamp handrail on a television gantry; to discuss your requirements for steel handrail for sports clubs contact us today or download the latest Fastclamp guide.
Handrails for the Rural Community
Steel handrails produced from Fastclamp fittings and galvanised tubes to BS EN 10255:2004 have many applications in a rural setting; in farming, this versatile product can be used to produce cattle pens in farmyards and outbuildings. This is especially true when considering semi-permanent structures as this product can be bolted to concrete surfaces without the need for permanently concreted support.
Using the correct fasteners ensures the long-term structural viability of a pen or rail and following the correct design parameters adds assured horizontal and vertical load capacities.Contact us today to discuss your requirements, if you can outline what you’re trying to achieve we can offer the solution.
Disclaimer: Information correct at the time of publishing (May 2016) but is subject to change. E&OE.
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