Steam Tube from Besseges (Valves, Tubes & Fittings) Ltd

We offer many products for process steam distribution at Besseges and the most important of these has to be the steel tube that carries it. Steam tube comes in many forms depending on the process pressure and type of installation. Here at Besseges (Valves, Tubes & fittings) Ltd, we are well known for what is usually termed as low-pressure steam installations, in other words for steam pressures from 0.5 bar to 17 bar. We can offer higher pressure-rated pipework, fittings, valves and steam traps and for these please contact us for more information.
Steam Tube to BS EN 10255:2004 (BS1387:1985)
For your day-to-day steam tube requirements the most commonly used by our customer base is steam tube to BS EN 10255:2004 (BS1387:1985). This is available in red heavy plain end tube to BS EN 10255:2004 (BS1387:1985), self-colour heavy plain end and red heavy screwed and socketed tube all to the same specification. Sizes available in this product are from 10mm (3/8”) nominal bore to 150mm (6”) nominal bore. Please contact us to arrange a delivery or for competitive prices for your next steam tube installation. For process pressures and temperatures please use the guide below this text or contact us for further information.
For all other dimensional information please click this tube to BS EN 10255:2004 link to download a data sheet or visit our downloads and calculators page for information on other products including welding fittings to ASME B16.9, threaded fittings to BS EN 10241:2000 and all flanges types available from stock. To look at what we can offer in threaded fittings for process steam read the previous blog Threaded Pipe Fittings from Besseges (Valves, Tubes & Fittings) Ltd.
Steam Tube to ASTM A 106 Grade B Hot Finished Seamless
In addition to the previously discussed steam tube, we can also offer tube to ASTM A106 grade b hot finished seamless in various wall thicknesses. Available from stock are sizes from 15mm (1/2”) nominal bore to 250mm (10”) nominal bore in standard weight wall. Other wall thicknesses are available in extra-strong and double extra-strong, please contact us for price and more information or click the highlighted link for dimensions for ASTM A106 Grade B hot-finished seamless tube. To complement this range of tube products we also offer welding fittings to ASME B16.9 and threaded fittings to BS3799:1974 (ANSI B16.11). Add to this our range of process steam stop valves from manufacturers including Genebre and TLV and Besseges (Valves, Tubes & Fittings) Ltd can offer all you will ever need for your process steam requirements now and in the future. So please contact us today for all your pipeline requirements and ask us about your jointing compound and gasket requirements at the same time. For pipe sizing information on process steam systems visit our Downloads and Calculators page and make use of the TLV calculator.
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