Steam Heat Exchangers Energy Efficient

Steam heat exchangers in their various forms offer an energy-efficient solution to many process issues; whatever the medium you are heating, the right solution can be found. Here at Besseges (Valves, Tubes & Fittings) Ltd, we have worked for nearly two decades with new and existing plants. So, whether you require a new system to achieve production goals or to improve the efficiency of existing equipment, we can find the right solution. For further information on steam heat exchangers please continue reading this latest Blog or contact our technical sales team.
Steam Heat Exchangers Efficient Heat Transfer
Process steam offers one of the most efficient methods of heat transfer available at a wide range of temperatures. Steam at low pressure is highly efficient across many mediums and processes. Steam can be used to heat many fluids, safely, efficiently and most of all in a controlled fashion. Steam temperature is controlled simply by pressure, as at a given pressure the temperature available is constant, by following this link; TLV Calculator and clicking steam tables you can explore this phenomenon.
Controlled efficiency is achieved by correctly sizing steam heat exchangers for the process and ensuring the control valves and steam traps are correctly sized. Some low-pressure heat exchangers require pumping traps to prevent stalls from taking place, this can be worked out before delivery or if it is an issue already being experienced; we can offer the solution. Whatever your process is, in the clear majority of circumstances we can provide valuable assistance; coming from an understanding of process steam gained from decades of working with contractors and end users.
Steam Heat Exchangers Steam to Water
Heating water using process steam can be done in many ways, the simplest but rather inefficient is direct steam injection, plate pack steam heat exchangers or tube-in-tube steam heat exchangers. Our latest installation will be completed with a tube-in-tube heat exchanger from TLV.
This 400KW unit will supply steriliser water to a Manchester food processor looking to expand production now and in the future. In addition to the steam heat exchanger, we have supplied new pumps, steam distribution pipework and a steam distribution header. Each time we work with a customer we can offer a bespoke or commercially available solution to their requirements.
On sites where medium to higher-pressure process steam is a normal part of production, we can look at flash steam recovery to produce low-pressure steam. This can then be used to heat water for process requirements or to feed hand wash stations; making use of unused energy and still recovering condense to return to the Hotwell. In some cases the addition of steam compressors can then reintroduce this same recovered steam into the main process; contact us to consider your options.
Steam Heat Exchangers Exothermic Reactors
A steam heat exchanger is often just a coil in a tank or exothermic reactor, heating using efficient steam is then only the beginning of the process. Some chemical reactions require a charge of heat before a process can begin. Over a decade ago we worked on a process that required multistage heating and cooling to generate an exothermic reaction that produced polymers. Control was achieved using actuated valves and a TLV COS pressure-reducing valve that is complete with a cyclone separator and a built-in free-float steam trap.
TLV GT10 pumping traps were used to clear condense from the system, which was complimented by a compressed air blow-off to empty the coil to clear the last of the hot condense. Cooling water was then added to the same coil from a cold-water feed tank recirculated through a blast cooler; this rapidly cooled the product to end the exothermic reaction. The heating and cooling system we helped to create with our customer at the time; is as far as we are aware unique to their industry and is still in use over a decade later. For further information on how we can assist your business, contact our excellent sales team.
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