Stairway Safety Handrails from Fastclamp

We offer Fastclamp handrail products from stock here at Besseges (Valves, Tubes & Fittings) Ltd which can be used to produce many types of handrail installations; today’s blog will cover stairway safety handrails using this product and will include the latest videos from Fastclamp to high-light how simple this product is to install. Stairway safety handrails can be used in many different circumstances and on several types of stairway installations from stairs in public parks to fire escapes. The only instance this product would not be suitable is when you intend the skateboarding community to ride the rail as the slightly raised sections at each post would be a barrier to this. Installation of this product just requires some common sense, competency using the tools and being able to follow the guidelines laid down in the Fastclamp Guide which can be viewed or downloaded by following the highlighted link and of course by discussing your project with our sales team.
Stairway Safety Handrails Fire Escapes
The installation of this type of stairway safety handrails should be completed by a competent person or company, DIY versions of this product can be unsafe and not fulfil the requirements of the Building regulations. On a recent trip to a non-League football ground in the Manchester area, I saw a public access rail that did not follow any of the guidelines required. This rail was completely unsafe and rather than offering protection to the public is a danger; it was already coming apart in some sections which in all likelihood have been down to the incorrect load on the grub screws. Please note I did email the Non-League club to point out the issues with the structure they had erected; information on horizontal and vertical load capacities can be found in the aforementioned Fastclamp Guide or by contacting our technical sales team. To return to the subject in hand building stairway safety handrails is as simple as the video from our YouTube channel suggests but should still be built by a competent person, just click on the illustration to view.
Stairway Safety Handrails Parks & Gardens
Stairway safety handrails are important in public spaces and the next video is a great example of where these handrails should be installed. Public safety even on a gentle stairway is of paramount importance and stairway safety handrails for both ends of the age spectrum; protect the most vulnerable in our communities. Correctly installed handrails allow access to public areas that may be impossible for some older members of our communities and many different types of Fastclamp handrail fittings and galvanised tubes produce the right types of installation. The video example is probably the most basic of this type of installation but produces a safe and secure end product. Other examples of gentler sloped stairways may have walls that the Fastclamp product can be attached to or may contain 90° turns which also have a slope; no matter what the configuration is we can provide a solution for your installation just contact us and we will aid you with your specific project big or small. By clicking the image below you will be able to view the Fastclamp video from our YouTube Channel where you will also find the furniture building option with Fastclamp which we will discuss in a later Blog and maybe show some examples of furniture we have built ourselves, thank you for taking the time to read our latest blog.
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