Stainless Steel Press Fittings

Stainless steel press fittings from M-Press are one of the most versatile products we have come across in recent years, this range of stainless steel press fittings can be used on water, compressed air, natural gas and chemical installations. A guide is available covering the use of the right seals for your installation by clicking the highlighted link. These highly versatile fittings are easily installed and lightweight and are available from stock for next-day delivery to your site across most of the United Kingdom, time restrictions do apply; please contact us to discuss your requirements. So whether you’re installing domestic potable water or AdBlue we can provide you with the right stainless steel press fittings from stock in sizes 15mm to 54mm, larger sizes are available to 108mm but can’t be offered for a next-day carrier. For more information on stainless steel press fittings please contact us or click the read more symbol, we look forward to hearing from you and your business.
Stainless Steel Press Fittings M-Press
The M-Press range of stainless steel press fittings offers an economical solution to hot working for sites where restrictions apply, this high-quality product can be installed quickly and efficiently without the requirement to thread or weld. Stainless steel press fittings can be added to flanged or threaded systems with simple adaptors and are also available for natural gas installations inside or outside buildings. M-Press stainless steel press fittings can be used on potable water systems anywhere in the EU as well as the United Kingdom. WRAS approval gives installers and end users the peace of mind they require for all installations and a flat leak path allows for fittings that have not been crimped to be identified immediately after the system is tested. So if your business is looking for the ideal solution to hot working restrictions please contact us to discuss your stainless steel press fittings requirements and we will provide all prices and technical backup that Besseges (Valves, Tubes & Fittings) Ltd are already well known for.
Stainless Steel Press Fittings Eco Tube
For all stainless steel press fitting installations we can provide a standard wall of 1.5mm or a stainless steel eco press tube in a 1.2mm wall, this may not seem a great deal of difference but it is enough to reduce the selling price by 20%, which if you’re buying a bundle of tube can make a great deal of difference to the cost of the contract being undertaken. To discuss your requirements for stainless steel press fittings eco tube please contact our sales team for more information. For a guide for best practice when installing stainless steel press fittings please follow the highlighted link to download the M-Press Technical Handbook where you will find the M-Press product guarantee which in the case of stainless steel whether standard or eco tube is 40 years. Please note for the warranty to be valid for the full period the stainless steel press fittings by M-Press must be installed according to the manufacturer’s strict guidelines, training and certification can be provided if required for more information please contact us.
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