Stainless Steel Press Fittings Besseges (VTF) Ltd

Stainless steel press fittings and the associated pipe and valves are available from your favourite pipeline supplier. Here at Besseges, we can now offer larger bore systems in this product range. M-Press stainless steel press fittings are now available in 125mm (5”) and 150mm (6”) sizes for those bigger installations; we can also provide the tools to install these sizes.
The NovoPress XL press tool has the power to complete press installations for 141mm and 168mm OD tubes. For more information on all we can offer in M-Profile stainless steel press fittings take the time to read this latest blog post, or contact a member of our knowledgeable sales team to discuss your next project.
Stainless Steel Press Fittings in 125mm and 150mm Sizes
We have always offered the M-Press stainless steel press fitting range in sizes to 108mm although we carry stock in sizes 15mm to 54m only. That being the downside, the upside is the M-Press warehouse is only just over the Pennines. Direct deliveries and collections are possible by contacting the sales team here at Besseges.
Larger bore stainless steel press fittings and pipe as we stated are now found in 141mm and 168mm OD sizes. Each fitting requires double pressing which is no real hardship as each press only takes a minute in total. That takes just four minutes to press a length of 150mm (6”) pipe. Add the fact that this lightweight product is strong and easy to handle; installation time is greatly reduced and can be installed without the need for hot working.
The M-Press stainless steel press fittings range can adapt to any existing installation and as we stated, without resorting to hot working. We can provide adaptors that will connect to existing flanges; and because you are dealing with the best in pipeline suppliers. We can provide flange converters to adapt to older flange specifications such as BS10:2009.
Stainless Steel Press Fittings, Is A Little Dishonesty Acceptable?
Besseges can provide the complete range of stainless steel press fittings from M-Press; it is also available in carbon steel and copper. For those businesses out there that have been told by our competitor’s representatives that you require a different tool and or M-Press is not compatible with other M-Profile systems; this simply isn’t true. I find it distasteful that a competitor would resort to such tactics to forward their product. Sadly, with so many under pressure to make the next sale, sometimes they feel a little dishonesty is acceptable.
Many businesses insist on a specific manufacturer’s product for no other reason than they are not aware of the alternatives. Others specify a specific product for completely inappropriate reasons and from this, you can draw your conclusions. In the present economic climate across the entire pipeline industry, it is very competitive, new products are becoming available all the time. These products like M-Press stainless steel press fittings are of the same quality as other manufacturers and carry the same approvals.
The M-Press stainless steel press fittings range where appropriate has WRAS and DVGW approvals and if installed to the manufacturer’s instructions and specifications. It will offer the same long service as any other equivalent product and is already a trusted brand by many contractors and end users. M-Press offers the following warranties on their products, carbon steel 25 years, copper 30 years and stainless steel press fittings installations 35 years.
Stainless Steel Press Fittings Conclusion
If your business is looking for a quality product from an ISO 9001:2008 pipeline supplier then stainless steel press fittings from M-Press are exactly what you need. The products are of high quality, manufactured by a leading authority on press products; and supplied by one of the best independent pipeline suppliers in the United Kingdom.
The reputation of our business is growing and the technical ability of our sales team is the envy of our competitors. Contact us today for all your stainless steel press fittings requirements and if you have the time; explore our entire product range by clicking the highlighted link. We look forward to hearing from you.
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