Seamless Steel Tube ASTM A106

Seamless steel tube ASTM A106 grade B hot finished assures the quality your next installation requires, this versatile pipeline product is available from stock in sizes from 15mm (½”) to 200mm (8”) nominal bore. We can offer a full range of standard weight or schedule 40 walls and a smaller range of extra strong or schedule 80 walls. To explore the various wall thicknesses available in each size please download the latest datasheet by clicking the highlighted link, it is worth remembering that for pressure and temperature limitations you must take into account the method you’re using to connect the material. For instance, if you use EN 1092-1 PN16 flanges the limitation on pressure and temperature is set by this material whether or not the pipework will hold greater pressure and temperature.
If you are unsure of how this affects your system please contact us to discuss your requirements. For connecting seamless steel tube ASTM A106 grade B we can offer several alternatives which include flanges ANSI (ASME) B16.5, flanges EN 1092-1 (DIN), welding fittings ANSI (ASME) B16.9, welding fittings BS EN 10253-2:2007, carbon steel pipe fittings ASME (ANSI) B16.11:2001 (BS 3799:1974) and on very rare occasions flanges BS10:2009. The latter are British imperial flanges and are used less and less these days especially when installing seamless steel tube ASTM A106 grade B hot finished. For more information on this product please continue to read this Blog by clicking read more or contact our excellent sales team to discuss your requirements.
Seamless Steel Tube ASTM A106 Finishes
We can offer seamless steel tube ASTM A106 grade B hot finished in varnished or galvanised finishes, this particular product is rarely available in a self-colour finish due to the often long distances this product is transported. The unvarnished tube would rust in transit resulting in unacceptable quality issues for the installer and end-user, the coating can be easily removed by shot blasting which can be arranged at extra cost if required, this will also impact our normally efficient and prompt delivery service. Galvanised seamless steel tube ASTM A106 grade B hot finished is not often required but we can offer this material on a slightly longer delivery and provide galvanised threaded fittings to complete an installation, galvanised tube should not be welded as this will result in the production of harmful airborne substances (zinc oxide fumes), for sound and helpful advice on installation please talk to our technical sales team about your project.
Seamless Steel Tube ASTM A106 for Process Steam Installations
Seamless steel tube ASTM A106 grade B hot finished is always in our opinion the right solution for process steam systems operating above 10 Bar, for many of the systems we supply ordinarily we would offer read heavy tube BS EN 10255:2004 from Cayirova Boru San for systems operating 10 bar and under. When the system is operating above 10 Bar for plants that supply steam at greater pressures for instance in the cardboard and paper industries we would always offer the higher specification material as seamless steel tube ASM A106 grade B hot finished.
There are several reasons behind this thinking firstly the tube when used with the right fittings and flanges offers greater pressure and temperature ranges and we can provide 3.1b certification, which would normally be required. For instance, the material used in the double block and bleed set up in the photograph below is standard-weight seamless steel tube ASTM A106 grade B hot finished with PN40 flanges EN 1092-1:2013-04 and fittings to ASTM 16.11:2001. In addition to the full traceability and certification of the material, the welding specification for this was done to ASME 9:2010, all this put together assured our customer they were getting a quality valve set for a critical process steam application. For more information and or prices on seamless steel tube ASTM A106 grade B hot finished please contact our sales team.
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