Press Fittings by M-Press Pipe Fitting made easy

Pipeline technology is moving fast and the industry is always looking for faster easier ways to complete essential installations. Because our business is always looking for the latest products we can now offer from stock M Press press fittings, a comprehensive range of high-quality press fitting products available in stainless steel, copper and carbon steel. This versatile range of M Press press fittings can be used on many mediums and we will cover these in this latest Blog for our Website and discuss the advantages of using this range on your next installation. For more information on this or any other of our valves and pipeline products please continue to read this Blog by clicking the read more icon or contact our excellent sales team to discuss your requirements.
Press Fittings by M-Press Stainless Steel
We carry in stock M Press press fittings in stainless steel and can also offer stainless steel for gas installations which is proving extremely popular with our customer base due to the competitive pricing available in this range of products. Stainless steel M Press press fittings can be used on many systems including fuel lines, Adblue lines, potable water installations, chemical lines and many other installations covering a raft of different pressures and temperatures, for more information and to discuss specifications please contact our sales team. M Press press fittings in stainless steel are fitted with EPDM black gaskets furnished with a contour so that any un-pressed spots are immediately recognisable. Other gasket sealing rings available are FPM (DIN ISO 1629) and FKM (ASTM D1418) in green which are suitable for compressed air systems, heating systems, mineral oils and fatty acids and HNBR in yellow suitable for natural gas installations and liquid petroleum gas installations. For a full list of approvals for all these options please contact us today for more information or download the M Press press fittings technical guide by following the highlighted link.
Press Fittings by M-Press Carbon Steel
M Press press fittings in carbon steel are fitted with a black EPDM gasket and are suitable for many types of installations including closed water systems to a maximum temperature of 120°C and a maximum pressure of 16 bar; please contact us if you are considering applying frost and or corrosion protection materials to this product. Other applications include class 1-4 compressed air systems with the factory-fitted black EPDM gasket, for class 5 installations a different gasket should be used as previously advised when discussing the M-Press press fittings in stainless steel. This versatile carbon steel range of M-Press press fittings can also be used on cooling and refrigeration cycles and the EPDM gasket is permitted for close cooling and refrigeration systems between -20°C to 120°C and vacuum and solar lines but the factory-fitted EPDM gasket is not suitable for these installations, in this case, the green FPM gasket is recommended for these types of installation. To discuss the requirements for your installation please contact our sales team and we will be more than happy to aid your business in any way we can.
Press Fittings by M-Press Copper
For all your industrial and domestic installations we offer copper press fittings to suit your needs, supplying copper press fittings from stock in 15mm to 54mm and on a short delivery time we can supply M-Press press fittings in the XXL range for sizes from 76mm to 108mm. Press fittings by M-Press are available for all types of installations associated with copper and can compete on price with Yorkshire Xpress, Sanha and Geberit Mapress and still ensure the quality expected by every contractor and end user. Please contact us to discuss your next installation or project and Besseges (VTF) Ltd will ensure you have the right product at the right price. This range of fittings aids in all aspects of installations especially where hot working is an issue, with the right tools and know-how your business can be assured of a quality installation and if you’re not sure about how then we can arrange suitable training and certification for contractors and engineers alike. So to decrease installation times and when hot work is inappropriate the M-Press press fittings range is the ideal solution and Besseges (VTF) Ltd is the ideal supplier as we can also offer support brackets and a full range of suitable valves from many manufacturers, contact us for more information.
Press Fittings by M-Press Copper Gas Installations
As a basic principle, M-Press press fittings copper gas fittings are to be externally colour-coded. They are suitable according to DVGW-VP in connection with copper pipes consistent with DVGW.GW392 for: Gases according to DVGW worksheet G 260. Building conduits consistent with TRGI, TRF and TRR100 through PN5. Exterior pipes were installed above ground and on-site according to TRGI, TRF and TRR 100 through PN5.
Press Fittings by M-Press Stainless Steel Gas Installations
M-Press press fittings stainless steel gas is authorised with a factory-installed HNBR gasket for liquefied petroleum and natural gas according to DVGW G260. M-Press press fittings of stainless steel gas are authorised for flush mount installations as well as surface wiring installations in buildings. Only above-ground installations are allowed for exterior installations. The dimensions 42mm and 54mm may only be implemented with press snares, pressing operations with press jaws are not permitted. The TRGI is to be observed for gas installations with M-Press press fittings and stainless steel gas.
For further technical information on all aspects of the M-Press press fittings range please download the M-Press Technical Handbook by following the highlighted link or contact our sales team for a hard copy. The guidelines for drinking water installations can also be found in the M-Press press fittings Technical Handbook.
For a fuller picture of all we can offer your business as a pipeline supplier please explore our Website, on the products page you will find a comprehensive list of all our pipework, valves and fittings. For further technical information on a range of different products take the time to read more of our blogs. Please follow the high-lighted links and for all your valve & pipeline requirements contact our sales team.
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