Galvanised Handrail Tube BS EN 10255:2004

For galvanised handrail tube to BS EN 10255:2004 in a full range of sizes get in touch with us at; we can offer good quality, galvanised handrail tubes at competitive prices. To match the tube quality we can also provide the full range of Fastclamp galvanised handrail fittings to complete any job in hand. Most galvanised handrail systems are installed in either 32mm or 40mm nominal bore, but we can provide galvanised handrail tubes in sizes from 20mm to 50mm nominal bore. Both the tube and the fittings are provided in a hot-dipped galvanised (HDG) finish; for more information contact our sales team or click read more.
Quality Galvanised Handrail Tube Is Easier To Bend
Buying poor-quality galvanised handrail tubes can ensure the work ahead will be more difficult to complete. In addition, the finished job will not be of the quality expected, but sometimes you get what you pay for. I have written this before but when contractors are forced to drive down their prices; the standard and final finish of the work are in jeopardy. This brings me to a point many businesses make; poor-quality galvanised handrail tubes are more difficult to bend. This tube can and often flattens on the OD of the bend and ripples on the inside of the bend. With poor-quality, galvanised handrail tubes additional measures should be taken such as sand filling the tube to prevent these occurrences. Whatever extra measures are taken to bend galvanised handrail tubes, they are time-consuming; and so, common sense suggests researching the quality of the material being purchased. For information on prices and quality galvanised handrail tube BS EN 10255:2004 contact our sales team, or click the link to purchase and arrange delivery.
Galvanised Handrail Tube BS EN 10255:2004 and Fastclamp Quality.
No matter what galvanised handrail structure you require, Fastclamp handrail fittings can complete any good-quality installation. Working with the staff of will ensure you have the right product delivered; anywhere in the UK mainland and beyond at the most convenient time possible. Good quality galvanised handrail tubes and Fastclamp handrail fittings are the assurance of a better installation. If the structure you want to build is out of the ordinary, please take the time to discuss it with our technical sales team; and if you are a Manchester-based business you could even visit us. Our excellent trade counter team will be happy to help and in some cases, we can even make a site visit to discuss your requirements. To view the full range of Fastclamp handrail fittings or galvanised handrail tubes click the highlighted link. To download the latest Fastclamp guide with details on application guidelines download this from our website.
Disclaimer: Information correct at the time of publishing (March 2017) but is subject to change. E&OE.
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