Galvanised Handrail Structures

Here at Besseges, we are proud of our association with Fastclamp, we have been one of their leading distributors in the north of England for several years and have aided many businesses in planning work whether for basic galvanised handrail, galvanised handrail structures or galvanised handrail for the disabled better known as the DDA range. If you show us what you want to build with galvanised handrail fittings from Fastclamp and galvanised handrail tube to BS EN 10255:2004 we will do all we can to ensure you get the best results for your installation.
Galvanised Handrail Storage Racks
This versatile product has many excellent uses including storage and clothes racks, so whether you want to display products in your shop or trade counter or build racking for industrial product storage galvanised handrail from Fastclamp has the solution you or your business is looking for. Racks can be built in your garage at home or in a workshop to store wood, metals or plastic products, for load-bearing capacities please consult the datasheet on each fitting for more information or contact our sales team. The Fastclamp galvanised handrail range is available in sizes from 26.9mm OD to 60.3mm OD, for those from the 1970s and earlier this would be ¾” to 2” nominal bore.
Galvanised Handrail for Advertising
Using the basic clips available for galvanised handrails from Fastclamp, attaching advertising to structures or handrails can easily be achieved. Examples of this kind are being used by some smaller football grounds to enclose locations used for recording match-day videos for posting on YouTube channels. Product supplied by Besseges (VTF) Ltd has been installed in the Family Stand at Bower Fold, the home of Stalybridge Celtic for just this purpose and the same can be done at any sports ground, where a hard standing or stand is available. For bigger and bolder advertising the same principle applies to permanent and semi-permanent advertising locations. Fastclamp galvanised handrails can be fixed to most buildings by using wall flanges or other forms of pipe and tube brackets and again the principle of using the clips is a sound option. For more information on this and for any other forms of galvanised handrails and structures please contact our sales team to discuss your requirements or email us a sketch of what you want to achieve and we will identify the fittings required for your project.
Galvanised Handrail more solutions
The galvanised handrail system is a key part of our product range complimenting the stock of galvanised tube to BS EN 10255:2004 we carry in abundance, the sizes that suit galvanised handrail solutions are 20mm (3/4”) nominal bore to 50mm (2”) nominal bore. We also have a cutting service available at very reasonable prices. For more information on galvanised handrails please explore our blog page to read previous articles on the same subject, we look forward to hearing from your business now and in the future.
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