Galvanised Handrail Installations Fastclamp

Is yours of the right quality?
Here at Besseges (Valves, Tubes & Fittings) Ltd and, we have a long association with Fastclamp products; ensuring our business offers the right quality product for galvanised handrail installations. We also know that when we have supplied the tube and the fittings, the completed works will stand up to scrutiny. The reason for this confidence is down to the fact that when we offer galvanised stock tubes to BS EN 10255:2004 we are certain of the quality.
The vast majority of galvanised tube BS EN 10255:2004 we offer is manufactured in Europe by Borusan Mannesmann or Cayirova Boru San. These two leading manufacturers offer high-quality traceable products for use on galvanised handrail installations and any suitable quality pipeline installation. The question you have to ask is; how was my installation completed at the price I paid? This is especially true if you happen to be in the public sector where adherence to quality standards should be the watchword. For more information on quality handrail installations, and why we ask the question in the title, please click read more or contact our sales team.
Galvanised Handrail Installations and Tube BS EN 10255:2004
When a tube is purchased for galvanised handrail installations in conjunction with Fastclamp fittings or similar products a set of guidelines are to be followed. What is very important to the finished works is the simple fact that these guidelines and sometimes, set standards should be followed. The first recognised requirement is the wall thickness of the galvanised tube; the recommended minimum wall thickness should be 3.2mm.
We are aware that some of our competitors are selling tubes for galvanised handrail installations with less than 3mm wall and some at a paltry 2mm wall. These products are a great deal cheaper than buying the right material but the horizontal and vertical load capacities are then in question. To learn more about the horizontal and vertical load capacities using galvanised medium tube BS EN 10255:2004; download the Fastclamp application guide by clicking the highlighted link or contact our technical sales team.
Galvanised Handrail Installations British Standards
One of the standards covering galvanised handrail installations is BS 7818:1995 Specification for Pedestrian Restraining Systems. Adhering to this on a public highway is a must, although in recent years some councils have replaced this type of installation with bollards. But where these still exist using the incorrect material to reduce the cost is dangerous and could have unexpected and far-reaching consequences. Listening to those businesses that install this type of equipment, the price is being driven down by local authorities with restrained budgets.
To the naked eye replacement or new installations with inferior tube products look the same; but the fact is they are inferior installations that are not to specification. The truth of the matter is failure will occur in only rare circumstances which could result in a member of the public being injured or worse. Rare as these events are maybe we believe as do many other quality suppliers do that price should not be the overriding factor where galvanised handrail installations are concerned; quality and reliability should lead the choice.
Galvanised Handrail Installations Protection from Falling, Collision and Impact
Domestic and public handrail requirements are not the same, but the rules covering public buildings are as you would expect stringent. What is a public building covers many possibilities including; Council offices, shopping centres, bars, restaurants, nightclubs, sports grounds and cinemas to name just a few. The rules covering these varying facilities are not always the same, we have included a link to a UK Government document that is pertinent. When installing handrails that the public has access to it is important to realise that the wall thickness and quality of the material are a key component.
Galvanised handrail installations in schools for instance are a good example of where not to cut corners. Thin wall galvanised tubes would not stand up to scrutiny if tested, the truth is they are never tested after galvanised handrail installations are completed. Children see handrails as a climbing frame despite the presence of infill panels, many children climbing or sitting on the structure could cause it to collapse. Using the right materials prevents structural flaws and here at Besseges (Valves, Tubes & Fittings) Ltd we always offer the right materials ensuring safe quality galvanised handrail installations. Please contact us to discuss your next project, we can aid with planning and delivery of the right product.
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