Flanges to EN 1092-1:2009 (BS4504:1989) Besseges

Flanges to EN 1092-1 were flanges to BS4504:1989 until March 2012 when the British Standard was withdrawn. The original standard for what are commonly known as metric flanges first arrived in 1969 just before decimalisation in the United Kingdom. I can’t say I remember this event at the end of the swinging sixties as it is known as I was only five years old at the time, but with cultural and social revolution taking place in the wider community it was no real surprise that engineering standards were also moving on as well.
As we moved away from imperial standards in came BS4504:1969 to replace BS10 flange products, but BS10 flanges were still sold and specified in 2014 a mere 45 years after the replacement was specified. To find out more about flange products including EN 1092-1 please click the read more icon or contact our sales team today. A little-known fact about the sixties for those interested, the cultural and social revolution I referred to earlier began in 1963 according to historians and didn’t end until 1974. If I think back to 1974 I can remember bad wallpaper and Radiograms, luckily culture has moved on and both of these items are a thing of the past. If this is not the case please let us know when you next contact our sales team.
Flanges to EN 1092-1:2009 (BS4504:1989) Classification
Flanges to EN 1092-1 are available in many types from our stock, we can offer EN 1092-1 plate flanges in steel and stainless steel, EN 1092-1 bossed flanges in screwed and slip-on varieties available in steel, stainless steel and plastics, EN 1092-1 weld neck flanges in steel or stainless steel to suit any specified wall thickness required. All stock products can be delivered to site across the majority of the UK mainland the next day or within 3 days for some areas. In addition, we can also offer gaskets of many styles to suit EN 1090-1 flanges for a variety of temperatures, pressure and process requirements, please contact our sales team to discuss your process needs and specifications and while you are looking at these flanges products enquire with us for your flanged valve, pipeline and fitting needs at the same time. If you require flange dimensions for EN 1092-1:2009 products follow the high-lighted link and download a copy of our flange tables.
Flanges to EN 1092-1:2009 (BS4504:1989) Pressure & Temperatures
Flanges to EN 1092-1 are available from stock in PN6 to PN40 and other ranges are available including PN2.5, PN63, PN100, PN160, PN250, PN320 and PN400 Dimensions for the majority of these flanges can be found by downloading our flange tables, for those not available on our tables please contact our sales team. Maximum temperature allowance for flanges to EN 1092-1 is subject to material and manufacturer guidance. Maximum pressure and temperature are also affected by the pipeline material as well as the flange material and we can discuss all your requirements and advise on the best available to suit your requirements. For flanges in other specifications such as BS10:1962 and ASME B16.5 please contact us.
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