Double Block and Bleed Valves from Besseges (VTF)

As the preference from the industry for double block and bleed valves becomes ever more important, the need to consider how this is best achieved should be discussed. There are many options available for hot systems and chemical installations and the valve manufacturing industry seems to have concluded that their customers want a single valve to achieve this and these are being produced in great numbers in many materials. But is this the answer that will suit everyone’s requirements, in our opinion here at Besseges we think not, if you would like more information on our solutions to your double block and bleed valve requirements do read on.
Double Block and Bleed Valves Health and Safety
You can find guidance on the need and requirement for double block and bleed valves by downloading the latest information from the HSE. The latest direction can be found in HS(G) 253, key aspects of The Safe Isolation of Plant and Equipment. This document gives details on all you should consider for new plant installations and existing installations. Once you are up to speed with these requirements you can then contact us to discuss your requirements and look at what we can offer in double block and bleed valves and systems. Our latest project in double block and bleed valves has included 2 bleed valves and pressure gauges. In addition, we will be providing a safe testing point for process steam systems that come complete with a flow indicator and sight glass. Please contact us for more information on these products.
Double Block and Bleed Valves for Process Steam
For process steam installations we can offer double block and bleed valves in threaded or flanged versions, the normal double block and bleed valves arrangement would be two bellows sealed stop valves and one or two high-temperature ball valves to complete the arrangement. We can also offer pressure gauges with these valve arrangements which offer a visible indication of whether there is pressure within the valve arrangement. These arrangements that make up double block & bleed valve installations for process steam can also be supplied with steam-rated hoses and a flow-indicating sight glass to ensure safe opening of the bleed valves if steam is present in the valve arrangement. The advantage of this three or four-valve arrangement over an integrated valve set-up is if a single valve fails it can easily be replaced at minimal cost, if an integrated valve set-up fails it has been replaced at great cost. In the short term this is unlikely to happen depending on the quality of the valve you buy but in the medium and long term when warranties have long past this could be a very painful issue. Please contact us to discuss the best solution for your business for double block and bleed valves and any other process steam requirements.
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