Domestic Copper Press Fittings from M-Press

Installing soldered or compression fittings in conjunction with copper tubes can be a time-consuming task. In terms of labour costs, this can be the difference between winning and losing larger installation costs. If your business is tasked with installing fifty central heating and domestic water systems. The costs would spiral and the businesses with lower overheads would make you uncompetitive. The key therefore is to reduce installation time dramatically by looking for an alternative that if installed correctly. Offers a leak-free guarantee and a warranty of thirty years, the products that can offer this are M-Press domestic copper press fittings.
Copper press fittings are aesthetically more pleasing than push-fit plastic pipe systems. They provide the homeowner with peace of mind and the proven quality of a copper water system. Although domestic copper press fittings were not available at the time, the ancient Egyptians were the first to use copper to transport domestic water. Here at Besseges (Valves, Tubes & Fittings) Ltd and,m we can provide fittings for domestic water and gas boiler installations. Contact our sales team for more information on M-Press copper press fittings
Domestic Copper Press Fittings Sizes Available
Domestic copper press fittings are available in a wide range of product types in sizes from 15mm to 28mm. Installing this range cannot be easier, no heat is required, just the force of a press tool to create a permanent seal. If required training can be provided by our colleagues at M-Press and even certification to state that training has been completed. For those who want to try the domestic copper press fittings route, press tools can be hired from Broughton Plant Hire and delivered to you. Then if you find that press fittings are your future, a Klauke Press Tool can be purchased at competitive prices here at Besseges (Valves, Tubes & Fittings) Ltd and
Gas and WRAS Approvals
The standard 15mm to 28mm M-Press domestic copper press fittings are WRAS-approved and can be used to fit a bathroom or install a central heating system. M-Press systems are if fitted correctly, the best solution for domestic installations; we always recommend the public use a suitably qualified tradesman. Especially those who carry the M-Press certification, professionals trained by professionals. M-Press is becoming one of the leading manufacturers of M-Profile press fittings in the UK. They carry all approvals required to install potable water and gas systems; M-Press offers a heat-free solution for the installation of copper press fittings.
Copper Press Fittings Online
M-Press domestic copper press fittings can be delivered to you across the United Kingdom. By visiting you can arrange a delivery across the length and breadth of the UK. We can even deliver to those who would prefer not to be in the UK as we offer a delivery service across Scotland and out to the Shetlands. Not all our delivery services are carriage paid, but we do provide this service with value for money in mind. So, whether you live in Trevescan in Cornwall or Unst Shetland, our business will do everything possible to provide delivery of M-Press copper press fittings. To purchase these products and arrange a delivery, please contact us at
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