Copper Press Fittings M-Press Brand

Copper press fittings are not something new to our business, we have offered M-Press copper fittings as a distributor for many years. Carrying stock in 15mm to 54mm sizes, what has changed is our size range and stock. We can now offer 67mm to 108mm M-Press copper press fittings, which include 76mm and 88.9mm sizes. We can also offer the same range in 316 stainless steel, providing our customer base with multiple choices when installing heating and gas systems. Additionally, as previously announced, we carry the M-Press AquaGas range of copper press fittings, suitable for water and gas installations. This range can also be used on domestic pipework systems, offering a simple solution that covers new build projects.
Copper Press Fittings Quality Assured
Copper press fittings are a simple solution for all types of gas and water installations, including commercial plant rooms. The quality of the M-Press products stands shoulder to shoulder with the best press manufacturers and is competitive against Yorkshire, Geberit and Sanha products. Each system has a leak path to ensure that a fitting that is not pressed by an installer, will leak under cold hydrostatic test conditions. The M-Press range has a unique leak path that does not add to the plastic pollution problem and fittings that have not been pressed can be easily identified. The M-Press seal has a three-point leak path, allowing water to leak under a cold hydrostatic test. While at the same time preventing the fitting from becoming separated from the distribution main under test.
The confidence M-Press has in the quality of their products is matched by their commitment to the product warranty. M-Press copper press fittings are supplied with a thirty-year warranty, subject to the correct installation of the product. It is important to remember to fit all press fittings to the manufacturer’s guidelines and just as important is the calibration certificate of the press tool being used. For those who are not completely certain about their methodology for installing M-Press pipes and fittings, free training is available for all M-Press installers in the United Kingdom. The first part of the training is completed in a customer’s workshop, with the second being done on-site. Each attendee, up to a maximum of six people per session, is issued with an M-Press certificate. Please contact us for more information on this or the M-Press range.
Beware of inferior Products
There are many high-quality press products available in the UK market but in recent years the press market has expanded. We have seen an influx of inferior quality products, in an attempt to undercut the quality brands. We have listened to our customer’s comments and experiences and know that the cheapest solution is not always the best one. Some large merchants looking for larger and larger margins have been willing to sacrifice quality for profit. Our advice is to be sure that what you receive has all the necessary certifications required to be installed in the UK market. We stand by the quality of the M-Press range of copper press fittings, if installed correctly they will stand the test of time.
Copper Press Fittings Support Systems
As well as carrying a stock of copper press fittings, Besseges (Valves, Tubes & Fittings) Ltd, holds stock of pipe support systems. We have been a distributor of Caddy products for many years and hold stock of pipe support brackets and ancillaries.
Whether you require channel support or you are hanging directly from beams or concrete, we can provide the materials. Everything from rubber-lined clips, through channel fixings to nuts, bolts and washers are available off the shelf, contact our sales team for more information.
In conclusion, there are as I have said many quality manufacturers of copper press fittings in the United Kingdom. We are an M-Press distributor because we know we are providing our customers with a quality product. The system we provide is reliable, quality assured and comes with a warranty that ensures peace of mind. For contractors, this provides them with the means to complete a high-quality installation and for the end users, longevity is assured. For all those businesses that want to make a real difference to the future of the planet. Buying quality reduces manufacturing, which achieves reductions in atmospheric emissions in the long term.
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